

2017-06-06 清华大学哲学系 清华西方哲学研究



为加强中外学术交流,推动中国学界对基督教的关注和研究,清华大学人文学院哲学系与加拿大维真学院将于2017年7月合作举办“西方文化与经典阐释”暑期学校。本届暑期学校将邀请来自加拿大维真学院的四位专家学者到清华大学进行授课,他们是:Ross Hastings, Iwan Russell-Johns, 

Paul Spilsbury和Carl Armerding。






















Email: 46538314@qq.com




Art and the Christian Imagination


20177 3 - 6

上午9:00 – 12:00


讲:Iwan Russell-Jones



Iwan Russell-Jones is an award-winning filmmaker, theologian, and writer. He joined the faculty at Regent College in 2011 as Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Head of the Christianity and the Arts Program. On January 26, 2013, he became the first incumbent of the newly formed Eugene and Jan Peterson Chair in Theology and the Arts.

Iwan Russell-Jones has over 25 years of 

experience as a producer and director for the BBC, in both television and radio. He produced documentaries that include The Crucified King (BBC1 2003) and American Prophet (BBC2 2008), which explore the religious dimensions of Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership of the civil rights movement; and Who Do You Say I Am? (BBC1 2007), which features poet Michael Symmons Roberts reflecting on the contemporary meaning of the life of Christ. In addition, Dr. Russell-Jones has had the privilege of working with South African activist and Christian cleric, Dr. Desmond Tutu; Rowan Williams,former Archbishop of Canterbury;and leading Christian apologists and authors, Malcolm and Kitty Muggeridge.

For four years, he taught at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta, where he set up a new department to explore the interaction between faith, media, and contemporary culture.


This course will explore the place of art in the Christian tradition, looking at examples from a wide variety of disciplines – from painting, sculpture and poetry to music, fiction and film – and from different periods of history. It will investigate the distinctive themes and aspects of the Christian imagination as faith engages creatively with a world of beauty and brokenness, of shame and glory, of suffering and hope..


1. And the Word was made Flesh

Art and the Incarnation

2. Voicing Creation’s Praise

Art as a Priestly Vocation

3. Behold the Man

Art and the Human Condition

4. New Heavens and a New Earth

Art and Christian Vision in the 21st Century


Christian Theology and Science:

mutualities and particularities


20177 3 - 6

下午14:00 – 17:00


讲:Ross Hastings



Ross is the Sangwoo Youtong Chee Professor of Theology at Regent College. He has published three books. The fourth, to be published in the summer of 2017, is entitled, Echoes of Coinherence: 

Trinitarian Theology and Science Together (Cascade Books). Ross has two earned doctorates, the first in organometallic chemistry (Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 1987), and the second in the area of systematic and historical theology (University of St. Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, 2004). Ross has taught chemistry at high school and university level. He currently teaches at Regent College in systematic theology, pastoral theology and ethics, and theology and science. Ross is on the advisory board of Biologos.org. He ismarried to Tammy and they have five children and five grandchildren.


This course presents the idea that theology and science,rather than being in conflict, or even independent magisteria, are in fact not only complementary, but in a relationship of coinherence that echoes the relationship between the divine and human natures of Jesus Christ. Coinherence means that each is in the other, and yet each is not the other. It means that theology and science have profound mutuality such that each enhances the other, as well as distinct particularities that relate to the distinct nature of the object of study. In this course we will examine the mutuality of theology and science related to being (ontology), knowing (epistemology, how we know what we know) and the history of ideas in each discipline, noting in each case, the particularities in each discipline.


It is hoped that the student will become familiar with some basic concepts in Christian incarnational and Trinitarian theology, that they will also develop a 

general understanding of the history of ideas and broad concepts in scientific method, and that they will be able to articulate the resonances between theology and science.

Course outline:

Day 1: Introduction to the Christian doctrine of creation, the doctrine of the incarnation and the Trinity;Creation by the Big Bang? 

Creation by evolution?

Day 2: Epistemology: mutuality and 

particularities in how we know what we 

know in theology and in science: critical realism

Day 3: Ontology: echoes of the being of 

the triune God and the origin and being 

of the cosmos as discovered by science: 

goodness, immensity and particularity, 

agency, complexificationbeauty and  intelligibility

Day 4: Mutuality and particularities in the history of ideas in theology and science.


The Book of Genesis 1-12: Where it all Begins


20177 7 -8日,10日-11日

上午9:00 – 12:00


讲:Carl E. Armerding



Dr. Carl E. Armerding, a native of Boston, USA, was in 1970 a founding Professor of Old Testament Studies at Regent College, Vancouver.  He also served eleven years as its second president.  In 1990 he became the Founder-Director of the Schloss Mittersill Study Centre in Austria, and Senior Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (Oxford,UK),retiring to Canada from both in 2006.

Professor Armerding continues to 

lectured before audiences of scholars, 

students and church leaders in universities and theological faculties around the globe. He is the author of several books and is widely published in both scholarly and popular journals.


The lectures will focus on the great ideas of the Old Testament as they take shape through the formative stories told in its opening‘Book of Beginnings’(Book of Genesis). Key passages will be examined, giving both beginning and advanced students fresh insights into how the Bible can be read and its message understood.  We will also consider how these ancient stories have helped shape both Jewish and Christian theology, and provided a foundation for thinking about our world and its significance, both then and now.


The Apostle Paul: 

His Life, Letters, and Significance


20177 7 - 8日,10日

下午14:00 – 17:00


讲:Paul Spilsbury



Paul Spilsbury, 

Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament, Regent College BTh (Prairie Bible College) 

MCS (Regent College) 
PhD (University of Cambridge)

Dr. Spilsbury, who holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, is also a graduate of Regent College. 

After completing his doctoral work, Dr. Spilsbury joined the faculty of Canadian Bible College in Regina, Saskatchewan, where he became Professor of New Testament, and was an integral part of the early formation and development of Ambrose University in Calgary. After more than two decades of teaching and leading in Regina and Calgary,Dr Spilsbury joined the Regent College faculty in August 2015 as Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament.


The Apostle Paul is one of the most important figures in the early development of the Christian movement. The message he imparted and the communities he foundedchallenged the status quo within early Christianity, and his letters have shaped Christian thinking about God and human existence for the last two millennia. This course is a study of the literary and theological legacy of Paul. It will examine the major influences and events of his life, the social location of the communities he founded, and significant aspects of his thought in its historical context.


